During the whole maintenance period our clients have no troubles with maintenance and repair of UKCP trams. We render the service of a life cycle contract for servicing our trams. Maintenance under a life cycle contract is made during the whole period of tram car operation by highly-qualified specialists with the use of Genuine Parts and components.
Life cycle contract/official maintenance
Less time for maintenance
Fast repair and part replacement. Trams do not stand idle while waiting for repair. They come back into operation fast.
Operation time increase
Professional maintenance and use of original parts for repair increases tram car operation time.
Safety and prevention of breakdowns
In time diagnostics prevents breakdowns and excludes accidents caused by tram car breakdown.
Life cycle contract/official maintenance
After-sales service and services of third-party maintenance companies.
Less time for maintenance
Fast repair and part replacement. Trams do not stand idle while waiting for repair. They come back into operation fast.
In-house repair of trams or waiting for Genuine Parts shipment and qualified repair of trams lead to idle standing of trams in a depot, as well as to increased load over the tram pool.
Operation time increase
Professional maintenance and use of original parts for repair increases tram car operation time.
Быстрый износ подвижного состава
Использование неоригинальных запасных частей и стороннего технического обслуживания увеличивает риск быстрого выхода из строя подвижного состава и технических систем трамвайного вагона.
Safety and prevention of breakdowns
In time diagnostics prevents breakdowns and excludes accidents caused by tram car breakdown.
Непрогнозируемые интервалы движения и риск для пассажиров
Отсутствие или несвоевременная диагностика подвижного состава может является реальной угрозой безопасности пассажиров и ставит под угрозу работу всей системы пассажироперевозок на линиях ЛРТ.
Life cycle contract/official maintenance
Less time for maintenance
Fast repair and part replacement. Trams do not stand idle while waiting for repair. They come back into operation fast.
Operation time increase
Professional maintenance and use of original parts for repair increases tram car operation time.
Safety and prevention of breakdowns
In time diagnostics prevents breakdowns and excludes accidents caused by tram car breakdown.
In-house repair of trams or waiting for Genuine Parts shipment and qualified repair of trams lead to idle standing of trams in a depot, as well as to increased load over the tram pool.
Быстрый износ подвижного состава
Использование неоригинальных запасных частей и стороннего технического обслуживания увеличивает риск быстрого выхода из строя подвижного состава и технических систем трамвайного вагона.
Непрогнозируемые интервалы движения и риск для пассажиров
Отсутствие или несвоевременная диагностика подвижного состава может является реальной угрозой безопасности пассажиров и ставит под угрозу работу всей системы пассажироперевозок на линиях ЛРТ.
We are a reliable manufacturer and we guarantee the high quality of our products and services.
/Individual solutions
We are ready to offer individual service packages to our clients. It is adjusted to the needs of the client and all participant of the transportation system.
/Post-warranty maintenance
Our clients enjoy a right to use a service of post-warranty maintenance during the whole tram car operation period, including under life cycle contracts.
/Provision of genuine parts
Shall it be impossible to repair a tram car, we supply Genuine Parts and components within the shortest possible time.
We ensure provision within the whole operational period of trams, which is 20 years.
/Warranty maintenance
We render services of official warranty maintenance under tram car supply contracts.
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