Russian National product classification code 36 3190, Specification No. TS 3631-099-07552487-03
It is used for pumping the following:
- light (gasoline, diesel fuel) and dark (oils, fuel oil residue) oil products,
- viscous mud oil residue from tanks, cisterns, tankers, storages.
Main advantages:
- pumping of high viscous fluids up to 500 centistoke and high gas content fluids. Till the present day, it was possible only with the use of piston pumps.
- pumping of fluids with high content of large hard particles (up to 5 mm).
The main feature of spiral casing (screw) pump assemblies is that screw wheels are used in them. The wheels have special screw blades with constant or variable pitch.
It gives us an inter-blade channel that enables low hydrodynamical load of blades and high anti-cavitation and power characteristics.
Suction head, m
Dimensions, mm
Weight, kg
Engine power, kW
Pump pressure, m
Three-phase alternating current
Capacity, m3/h
Temperature of pumped fluid, °С, not more than
Seal type
Revolution rate, rpm
Electric power engine
AIMR160М2U2, BA160М2U2, AIMM160М2U2,5
Spiral casing screw pumps are a pump option adapted from outer space engineering.
It is essential:
- in emergencies for pumping viscous mud fluids.
- for basic work at oil plants, service racks, in industrial wastewater systems.
- when pumping oil products from subsurface tanks.
All pump assemblies are designed with electric power explosion-proof (explosion protection grade is 1Ехd11ВУТ4) engines and У-climatic-category engines with nominal outside temperature not higher than 40°С and not lower than 40°С.
Conventional marking UODN 170-150-125
170 is a rotor diameter, mm
150 is a nominal inside diameter of input flange, mm
125 is a nominal inside diameter of output flange, mm